
Recipient of the 2022 National Competitive Research and Service Grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture at Nusa Putra University

From Nusa Putra University, as many as 21 lecturers received a national competitive research and service grant in 2022 from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Lecturers have to compete with thousands of other proposers from all over Indonesia to get this Grant. So this is a matter of pride by the University of Nusa Putra towards lecturers from various study programs.

The Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program as well as the Director of the Research and Community Service Unit (RCSU) of Nusa Putra University, Ir. Paikun, ST., MT., IPM revealed that as many as 20 lecturers won research grants and 1 person won grants for community service activities in 2022.

Mr. Paikun also explained that the number of recipients of the grant was one of the indicators that made Nusa Putra the university with the most research in West Java-Banten in 2022. This is also evidenced by the fact that Nusa Putra University in 2022 is in second position as a university with the number of most research. Of course, apart from the number of research grants received, this is also in accordance with data from the University of Nusa Putra which annually produces hundreds of quality research from various Study Programs and Scope of Knowledge. And several Nusa Putra International Conferences have even been indexed by reputable international scientific institutions such as Scopus and WoS.

Hopefully this grant can increase the enthusiasm and motivation of Nusa Putra lecturers to continue working to produce quality research and innovations that are beneficial for the progress of the nation and state. It is also possible that students can be motivated and motivated to follow the steps of the lecturers at Nusa Putra University. “You don’t need to run to reach your goal, because even a pair of legs requires faith before taking a step – Arief Subagya”

The lecturers at Nusa Putra University who won research and service grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2022 are as follows:

Anna Yuliana Jasumi, MM. (Lecturer of Management Study Program), Andri Ardhiyansyah, MBA. (Lecturer of Management Study Program), Arny Lattu, S.Pd.Kom., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Information Systems Study Program), Dani Mardiyana, S.Pd., M.T. (Mechanical Engineering Study Program Lecturer), Dedi Supardi, ST, M.Kom. (Lecturer of Informatics Engineering Study Program), Endah Pertiwi, SH., M.Kn. (Lecturer of Legal Studies Program), Bambang Jatmika, S.ST., MT. (Lecturer of Civil Engineering Study Program), Ilman Himawan K, S.Pd., MT. (Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Study Program), Indra Yustiana, ST., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Informatics Engineering Study Program), Lina Herlina, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Lecturer of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program), Mukhli Ali, MT. (Mechanical Engineering Study Program Lecturer), Ir. Paikun, ST., MT., HDI. (Lecturer of Civil Engineering Study Program), Richa Rahamaliya S, ST., MT. (Lecturer of Civil Engineering Study Program), RR Amanna Dzikrillah LL, S.S., MAB. (Lecturer of Management Study Program), Riyan Mirdan Fariz, SE., M.Sc. (Lecturer of Management Study Program), Selfin Anugrah Amdani, ST., MT. (Lecturer of Civil Engineering Study Program), Somantri, ST., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Informatics Engineering Study Program), Yusuf Iskandar, MM. (Lecturer of Management Study Program), Zaid Sulaiman, ST., MT. (Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Study Program), Ujang Badru Jaman, SH., MH. (Lecturer of Legal Studies Program), Dudih Gustian, ST., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Information Systems Study Program).