
Curriculum Profile Bachelor of Civil Engineering

The Bachelor Study Program (S1) in Civil Engineering at Nusa Putra University prepares students to work in the fields of transportation planning, roads as well as construction design and management in projects that require civil engineers. Graduates of the Civil Engineering Study Program serve the community through the application of knowledge and skills in planning, design, construction of facilities and infrastructure in various disciplines. Students in semester 5 are given the choice of emphasizing competence according to their interests and talents in the choice of deepening concentration in a more specific field. The concentrations offered are Transportation and Traffic and Structures. The deepening of this field is supported by various activities such as street vendors, internships,research and student exchanges.

Career Prospect of Graduates

After completing the Civil Engineering Bachelor Program, graduates can have a career as :

  1. Geotechnical Engineer
  2. Structural Engineer
  3. Water Resource Engineer
  4. Quality Control Engineer
  5. Construction Consultant
  6. Teacher & Researcher / Academician
  7. BUMN Worker/Expertise
  8. Government Worker/Expertise
  9. Technopreneurship

Program Education Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Insinyur Geoteknik, Insinyur Struktural, Insinyur Sumber Daya Air, Insinyur Pengendalian Mutu, Konsultan Konstruksi, Guru & Peneliti/Akademisi, Pekerja/Keahlian BUMN, Pegawai/Keahlian Pemerintah,Technopreneurship
Graduates have the ability to apply the principles of integrity, professionalism, communicate in team work to improve their civil engineering career and be competitive at national and international levels.


Lulusan memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan prinsip, perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang sesuai untuk analisis teknis dan menghasilkan gambar kerja, laporan, perkiraan biaya, dan dokumen lain di bidang teknik sipil.
Graduates have the ability to use appropriate principles, hardware and software for technical analysis and produce working drawings, reports, cost estimates and other documents in the field of civil engineering.


Lulusan memiliki kompetensi analisis dan pemecahan masalah di bidang teknik struktur, teknik geoteknik, teknik transportasi, teknik sumber daya air,serta manajemen dan rekayasa konstruksi dalam bentuk penelitian dan publikasi serta mampu menyelesaikan masalah di masyarakat, terutama skala nasional dan Internasional.
Graduates have analytical and problem-solving competencies in structural engineering, geotechnical engineering,transportation engineering, water resources engineering,and construction management and engineering in the form of research and publications and are able to solve problems in society, especially on a national and international scale.