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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkunan, TESLINK, was founded in 2019 and is managed by the Civil Engineering Study Program of Universitas Nusa Putra. This journal is designed to disseminate original and quality academic papers approved to contribute to the development of science and technology in civil and environmental engineering to support sustainable development. This journal contains all civil and environmental engineering information, such as structures, transportation, air resources engineering, geomatics, and the environment. The journal accepts original papers from various contributors, such as academics, scientists, scientists, researchers, and students worldwide. Papers to be submitted can be written in Indonesian or English with only the abstract in English. At least two reviewers will review the submitted papers. Authors who will submit a paper should follow the journal template.

Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan  (SENTIL) adalah sebuah kegiatan yang berbentuk konferensi bertaraf nasional dengan menampilkan kajian-kajian yang baru serta hasil penelitian pada bidang Teknik Sipil Dan Lingkungan. Maka seminar nasional SENTIL 2021 memiliki tema utama yaitu Inovasi Konstruksi di era 4.0.

publikasi ilmiah yang berisi kumpulan artikel dan pada umumnya terbit secara reguler, anda dapat mengaksis daftar Jurnal ilmiah di Universitas Nusa Putra